German Language

When you learn the German language, you get acquainted with the culture of the country it is spoken in, and you start loving it. Learning a new language will enable you to get in touch with its historical roots and enhance your personality and knowledge.

On a professional means, communication and understanding the language opens many job opportunities. German is one of the primary languages used in intercontinental relations and business.

Few Facts about the German Language

• German has the biggest number of resident speakers in the European Union; it is far more than English, French, or Spanish.

• The German language is amongst the ten most normally spoken languages across the globe.

• Germans are global leaders in Engineering

• German is the gateway to a higher education.

Scope of learning the German Language

German competence worldwide makes it the most accepted language. It is among the three working languages of the European Commission, along with English and French.

German Language A-1 

In this level, You can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions, which relate to the satisfying of concrete needs. Can introduce him/herself and others as well as ask others about themselves.

In this level, You can understand sentences and commonly used expressions associated with topics directly related to his/her direct circumstances. This level can assist in normal day routine and dealing with a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and common topic.

In this level, You can understand the main points when clear, standard language is used and the focus is on familiar topics associated with work, school, leisure time, etc. Can deal with most situations typically encountered when travelling in the language region.

In this level, You can understand the main contents of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics; also understand specialised discussions in his / her own primary area of specialization. Can primary area, of specialization. Can fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is easily possible without a great deal of effort on either side.